Last month Allison shared What You Eat Matters. In October she continues sharing with us by explaining HOW to make a Paleo Diet work for you. Choosing a healthy diet, whatever it may be, is a great and sometimes necessary compliment to your Chiropractic treatment plan.
Dr. Michelle Paris
Making the Paleo Diet Work
This month I celebrate my fourth year of living a Paleo lifestyle. In those 4 years I’ve learned a lot about how to make it all work. It’s taken some experimenting and some trial and error but I’ve found a groove that helps me continue to live as I choose every day. I’ve learned that there are no secrets to living this way, and that it is ALL about choice. There are, however, some “rules” (for lack of a better word) that I follow. Here are 4 rules I follow and ones I think will help you be successful as well.
1) DO THIS: Eat high quality protein, vegetables, high quality fat, and a little fruit most (5-6/7) with an occasional treat (1-2 off meals a week). If it seems kind of simple, that’s because it really REALLY is!! This isn’t some complicated science. Eat whole real food most of the time and avoid things that are processed. Following this step ALONE, WILL change your life. Period.
2) This is Paleo Possible, NOT Paleo Perfect. The minute you let go of perfection you will (finally) start down your path towards a lifetime of optimal health and well-being. Trying to be perfect is the WORST thing you can do. No, it will not always be perfect, or even good. Honestly, sometimes it might not even be edible. But it’s always progress. Remember, you didn’t learn to balance your check book, drive a car or even walk on the first try. Learning something new takes time. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Either way, the end result is the same. DON’T RUSH IT.
3) Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. And then prepare some more. The more you do this the better off you’ll be. Anticipating a situation that doesn’t happen is WAY better than being caught off guard (and hungry, especially if children are involved.) If you don’t do this, there will be a very hard and very frustrating road ahead of you. Plan out your week, plan out your day, plan out the next few hours. Because you NEVER know what will come up unexpectedly.wards a lifetime of optimal health and well-being. Trying to be perfect is the WORST thing you can do. No, it will not always be perfect, or even good. Honestly, sometimes it might not even be edible. But it’s always progress. Remember, you didn’t learn to balance your check book, drive a car or even walk on the first try. Learning something new takes time. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Either way, the end result is the same. DON’T RUSH IT.
4) Prioritize. No, REALLY, prioritize. What is important to YOU?? Not to your Mom, your best friend, your boss or your husband. WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU? What are YOU trying to accomplish with your life and YOUR health. Make that #1. Make that the first thing you work into your day. Have the right food available to you for the right reasons every single day and your life will change forever. For REAL. It will.
Play with it, practice it, and have FUN with it. There isn’t an exact science about any of this and don’t buy into to anybody or anything that tells you that there is. Follow the basics and adjust as YOU need to for YOUR life. And in BIG ways you CAN change your life.
Allison Wegner
You can follow me on Facebook at: Paleo Possible
Sep 29, 2013 at 10:06 AM
In recent years, the “paleo diet,” a diet based on the perceived eating habits of prehistoric people has become wildly popular. But, says paleontologist Christina Warinner, this diet is based on an incorrect view of how early humans lived. Using modern day research, Warinner traces the roots of the human diet to discover what we can really learn from the food of our ancestors. Science Debunks the Paleo Diet—Again The Paleo Diet Is Uncivilized (And Unhealthy and Untrue). If the Paleo Diet fad is so healthy and responsible for brain growth, then why didn't the Neanderthals survive and thrive? They had 300,000 years in Europe following the diet to make themselves into "Einsteins!" Speaking of Albert Einstein, this is what he had to say on the subject of health and survival: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." & You get better results with a vegan lifestyle, without the high risks of cancer and heart disease, which most cavemen didn't live long enough to experience. It's eliminating processed foods and eating veggies that make you healthy! "Tens of millions of people are enjoying long, healthy, vegan lifestyles today and these numbers dwarf the total number of paleolithic people ever born."
Sep 29, 2013 at 10:45 AM
Thanks for your comments; please see the blog post I'm writing today!
Oct 08, 2018 at 10:50 AM
The truth is that the Paleo Diet will never be considered a fad because it's just simply the way that humans evolved to eat over approximately 2 million years. And eating in a similar fashion to our ancestors has been proven time and time again to offer amazing health benefits, including prevention of most diseases of civilization such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and other chronic conditions that are mostly caused by poor diet and lifestyle. One of the biggest misunderstandings about the Paleo Diet is that it's a meat-eating diet or a super low-carb diet.